Between the ages of two and five, children are forming many basic social skills and attitudes. Each child is unique, and they develop at their own rate. Co-op preschools, also known as parent participation preschools, provide a developmentally appropriate environment where the child learns while having fun.

Our philosophy is that children learn through

  • Active and child-initiated play
  • Direct contact with concrete objects
  • Repeated positive experiences
  • Interactions with people who are important to them


The  curriculum is a developmental-based program concerned with the development of the whole child, emphasizing social, intellectual, emotional and physical growth. The teachers carefully plan open-ended and child-directed activities. Emphasis is placed on the value of play, learning environments and developmentally appropriate materials and activities.

Parents can help the child use inductive thinking by using such encouragements as “I wonder what would happen if…?” or “Where do you suppose this came from?” By doing this, the parent shares the child’s wonder and enjoys the newness of discovery along with him. Parents are scheduled through a rotation of parent-teacher jobs such as art, cooking, creative play, music and movement, outdoor supervision, cooking and special projects.

Each school in SCVC has a the same philosophy, but the curriculum is unique to each school. You can find the schools near you.